Current & Planned Litters

At Stella Maris, we carefully plan each breeding to enhance the qualities of the Portuguese Water Dog breed. Our focus is on producing puppies with excellent health, sound temperament, and proper structure according to breed standards.

Current Litter: "Musical Legends" Litter

Arthur Rubinstein

Sire: Ch. Stella Maris Arthur Rubinstein "Arthy"

OFA Hips: Excellent | OFA Elbows: Normal | Eyes: CERF Clear

PRA/PRCD: Clear | GM-1: Clear | JDCM: Clear

Bella Sofia

Dam: GCh. Stella Maris Bella Sofia "Sofia"

OFA Hips: Good | OFA Elbows: Normal | Eyes: CERF Clear

PRA/PRCD: Clear | GM-1: Clear | JDCM: Clear

Born: January 10, 2025

Puppies: 3 males, 4 females

Colors: 5 black, 2 brown

Expected Go-Home Date: March 7-14, 2025

These puppies are expected to have moderate energy levels, excellent working ability, and the stable temperaments that both parents possess. All puppies in this litter are receiving our comprehensive socialization protocol and early neurological stimulation program.

Availability Status

All puppies in this litter have been reserved. Please contact us to be added to our waiting list for future litters.

Upcoming Planned Litters

Summer 2025: "Ocean Explorers" Litter

Arthur Rubinstein

Sire: Ch. Stella Maris Arthur Rubinstein

Guest Female

Dam: Int. Ch. Oceania's Rising Tide (Visiting)

Expected: July 2025

Status: Accepting applications for waiting list

Fall 2025: "Celestial Bodies" Litter

Guest Male

Sire: Am. Ch. Navegador's North Star (Visiting)

Bella Sofia

Dam: GCh. Stella Maris Bella Sofia

Expected: October 2025

Status: Planned breeding, waiting list open

Past Litters

We take pride in the puppies we've produced and maintain relationships with their families. Our past litters have produced companions, performance dogs, and show champions.

Summer 2024: "Nautical Explorers" Litter

Parents: Ch. Stella Maris Arthur Rubinstein × GCh. Stella Maris Bella Sofia

Puppies: 7 total (3 males, 4 females)

Spring 2024: "Mediterranean Seafarers" Litter

Parents: Int. Ch. Mareluna Captain Jack × GCh. Stella Maris Bella Sofia

Puppies: 6 total (2 males, 4 females)

Portuguese Water Dog with puppies

Breeding for Health, Temperament, and Type